Download Netcut 2.0.8 Free

semPATA News | Internet memang sekarang sudah menjadi kebutuhan bagi setiap manusia. Namun lebih baik lagi jika kebutuhan kita itu kita imbangi dengan kwalitas yang baik. Jika anda sering mengalami hal naik-turun kecepatan internet ataupun sering putus nyambung :). itu berarti anda harus mencoba software yang satu ini.

Ini merupakan software netcut terbaru.
Easy to use: One click to Protect user Computer Function!!! No one in the network can cut you off with ARP spoof technology anymore .
Effective: one Click to Cut down any computer s network connection to the gateway.
IYFT:Get all IP addresses of the computers in your LAN(Local Area Network) in Secs
High applicability:Work in office LAN,school LAN,or even ISP LAN
Have Fun with play the online computer make them online or off line remotely
Safe: TRACE Free, No one will TRACE out what happen
and last More Stable,swich-hub or hub or cable lan any Lan use Ethernet

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